
Labor Day 2022

Hello MFG family!

Did you know that Labor Day originated in the late 19th century and was created by labor activists to push for a federal holiday honoring the many contributions of workers to the prosperity, strength, and well-being of America? Nothing honors a history of work like a day with no work!

As we head into the final stretch of 2022, it’s been a rocky year for the global equity markets. While market volatility is expected each year, as investors, you’re enduring quite a few obstacles- war between Russia and Ukraine, rising energy prices, political uncertainty, and rising interest rates. While we cannot control these issues on a day-to-day basis, remember that your investment journey is tied to your personal goals. No matter the market conditions, we’re here to help provide clarity and guidance to help you reach your goals. We encourage you to revisit the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of 2022. Have you met those goals? Are you still working toward them? Does your financial plan need updating because your goals have changed? The time to start working on your goals is now.

Well, on second thought, maybe start working after Labor Day…

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend with friends and family!

As a reminder, our office will be closed on Labor Day. Thank you!