Matt Milholland Picture

Masters Week

Well, it’s finally here… Masters Week. Yes, that’s right, it is my favorite time of the year. If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts, you may be wondering the same question: what does this have to do with investing? Read more to find out!

Matt Milholland Picture

Navigating the Mountain

Sometimes you will encounter a poor market, the loss of a family member, health changes, or an economic change that will push you to re-visit your plan. Sometimes your plan even changes due to an unexpected positive event! Either way, these are the times to regroup and assess how to safely maneuver your way to success.

Matt Milholland Picture

Labor Day 2022

Did you know that Labor Day originated in the late 19th century and was created by labor activists to push for a federal holiday honoring the many contributions of workers to the prosperity, strength, and well-being of America?

Matt Milholland Picture

Football and Fall are Here!

Football is back and the fall season is upon us. Enjoy this weather while it’s here, as it won’t be around for long!